Online marketing mentors Darren and Mike decided to move away from the corporate world as many online business owners have in the past. After successfully running their businesses, they started making enough money to go out independently.
Part of their success was sticking by a motto they use for their Darren and Mike online business to this day. With the “Your Life, Your Rules” motto, they believe their platform can work for anyone looking to get started. Breaking down the process into sections makes it easy for newcomers to jump in and learn.
Start an Online Business
Starting an online business seems simple enough, but it’s a significant step towards success. Taking that first step to accomplishing set financial goals starts with beginning this journey.
It doesn’t take much effort to start an online business, but most people have a good idea about a name and the general theme. Even during this very early part of the process, a coach or mentor like Mike and Darren can assist. They help with business names, advice, paperwork, filings, and much more.
Find a Product That People Want to Buy
Millions of products exist that people sell to make money through traditional and online businesses. All it takes is finding a product or two to get started that sells well.
Researching this part of the business takes time, and having access to tools and knowing what to look for can be very beneficial. Working with a mentor can help cut down the more extended parts of the process.
There’s a good chance that out of the initial list of products to sell, only one or two might end up doing well. It’s essential to be realistic early on, as nothing is super simple when creating sustained success.
It’s a lot of trial and error, but once people get the chance to crunch numbers and research, they begin to realize what works for them. Mike and Darren have been through the process; they know what works and doesn’t, making the perfect Darren and Mike Dream Team.
Learn How to Analyze and Improve Online Traffic
Understanding how to analyze online traffic and improve an online business is crucial. A company might have the best product in the world, but it’s still hard to find without proper online traffic.
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed with analyzing and figuring out ways to increase online traffic. Online business mentors who can do their job know precisely how to handle it.
Build and Monetize a Lead List
Finding a way to monetize as an online business is what puts many entrepreneurs over the top. A lead list will provide those opportunities, but it’s all a matter of maximizing that lead list.
Like anything worth doing, it takes time to build up a valuable lead list. Once an entrepreneur can do that, they can use it to make several different types of sales.
Like many other online businesses, Mike and Darren’s digital business was built through monetization. They have the expertise and experience to help new entrepreneurs grow and monetize their companies.
Access Sales Tools and Systems Needed
A wealth of sales tools and systems are available for anyone running an online business. Most of them are either free or very inexpensive. This helps keep costs down while also more efficiently analyzing the business.
Darren and Mike do a great job of helping make sense of the sales tools and systems. Instead of wasting time trying to find out what is the best, they already have a great starting point.
Pick the Amount of Time Spent on Running a Business
Some people come to the Darren and Mike online business mentoring website to learn how to run a business on the side. Others want to make this a full-time job. Whatever the case is, the amount of effort put into it usually determines how much revenue comes in.
It’s outstanding for people to love what they currently do. They might want to make a little extra money, so running an online business on the side makes sense. There are only so many hours in the day, so keeping it a part-time job can help.
Those wishing to dive in full-time can do so. Darren and Mike helping make changes depending on each client. Working directly with clients allows the duo to make intelligent decisions with advice. The longer entrepreneurs work with them, the better their understanding of expectations.
Dictate Living Terms
The beauty of running an online business is that every entrepreneur can do things on their terms. This can be for better or worse, but with the right coaching, it usually turns out for the better.
Mike and Darren detail what a person might wish to do to get to their goals. One of the many benefits of working with such a small and dedicated dream team is the ability to customize depending on a person’s goals.
Why Running an Online Business Makes Sense
Ultimately, there are numerous advantages to running an online business. Whether you’re looking for the flexibility to make your own schedule or feeling the freedom of not having a boss, it entices more and more people each year.
Darren and Mike’s Dream Team is built on hard work and determination to help clients build the life and business of their dreams. They know that for many people, a little bit of early coaching can put them on such a different path.
The duo has spent a long time perfecting tips and suggestions for those aspiring to reach realistic online business goals. Even if it’s just some little assistance to get everything moving positively, Darren and Mike are there to assist.